Getting Results: Educating Students in a Standards Aligned System

SLD Eligibility and Eligibility and Response to Intervention: Why This, Why Now, and Why Not?

JOHN TOMMASINI: Melinda Baird. I have known Melinda for a long time, from when I was younger I used to attend a lot of LRP conferences and Melinda was always there. But Melinda is an attorney in

Supplemental Download Materials




What is RTI?

What is RTI?

Learning Disabled Category

Learning Disabled Category

About IEP's

About IEP's

Core features of RTI

Core features of RTI

Why are there so many LD kids?

Why are there so many LD kids?

What are the barriers to RTI?

What are the barriers to RTI?

What does NCLB required for reading instruction?

What does NCLB required for reading instruction?

What is appropriate instruction?

What is appropriate instruction?

Is the new LD eligibility is this the solution?

Is the new LD eligibility is this the solution?

What are the criteria for RTI?

What are the criteria for RTI?